The following set of tutorials explain the usage of DMFTwDFT. Example files required to run these calculations are available in the /examples
directory in the github repo.
To perform a DFT+DMFT calculation, the following files should be present within the calculation directory.
INPUT.py - Contains the input parameters that govern the DMFT calculation.
para_com.dat - The number of processors used for the DMFT calculation. E.g. mpirun -np 32
DFT files - Input files required to launch an initial DFT calculation to initialize the DMFT calculation (Aiida files are from a completed DFT calculation).
Siesta = {.fdf, .psf}
QE = {.scf.in, .nscf.in, .pw2wannier90.in}
QE (Aiida) = {aiida.amn, aiida.chk, aiida.eig, aiida.mmn, aiida.out, aiida.win}
Before you start remember to add the bin
directory path in INPUT.py
as the value for the key path_bin
DFT+DMFT calculation
This performs the DFT + DMFT calculations through the script DMFT.py
. Since the DMFTwDFT/bin directory is in PATH variable, DMFT.py
can be run from any calculation directory.
To get a description of its options, run:
DMFT.py -h
This script has the following options.
- dft:
The choice of DFT code. Currently,
(Quantum Espresso) are supported. Quantum Espresso is supported through aiida so for this case use the flag,-aiida
as well.
- relax:
This flag turns on DFT convergence testing. If the forces are not converged a convergence calculation is attempted and if it fails the user is asked to modify convergence parameters. This is useful for vacancy and defect calculations where a force convergence is required after the vacancy or defect is created in order to obtain a relaxed structure to perform DFT+DMFT with. Currently supported for VASP. This uses PyChemia to check for convergence. The relaxation occurs inside a
- structurename:
DFT codes such as Siesta uses input files that contain the name of the system e.g. \(SrVO_3.fdf\). Therefore when performing DFT+DMFT calculations with Siesta this flag is required.
- dmft:
This flag performs the DMFT calculation using the results from the DFT calculation if a previous DMFT calculation in the same directory is incomplete.
- hf:
This flag performs the Hartree-Fock (HF) calculation to the correlated orbitals specified in INPUT.py if a previous HF calculation in the same directory is incomplete.
- restart:
This flag forces a DMFT or HF calculation to start from the beginning.
- kmeshtol:
This controls the tolerance of two k-points belonging to the the same shell in the wannier90 calculation.
- aiida:
Flag for aiida calculations. Currently, Quantum Espresso is supported through aiida.
- v:
Flag to enable verbosity.
The calculations are performed in an automatically generated DMFT
or HF
directory where the script was run from.
$DMFT.py -dft vasp -relax -dmft
$DMFT.py -dft siesta -structurename SrVO3 -dmft
$DMFT.py -dft qe -structurename SrVO3 -dmft
$DMFT.py -dft qe -aiida -dmft -v
DMFT Post-processing
DMFT post-processing is performed with the script postDMFT.py
To get a description of the options, run:
postDMFT.py -h
This script performs anaytical continuation, density of states and band structure calculations on the DMFT/HF data. Once the DMFT/HF calculations are complete, this script should be initiated within the DMFT
or HF
directories. This script has the following options.
- ac:
This function performs the Analytic Continuation to obtain the Self Energies on the real axis. It has the option
to specify the last number of Self Energy files (sig.inp) to average for the calculation.
- dos:
This function performs the partial density of states of the correlated orbitals. It has the following options:
-emin : Minimum energy value for interpolation
-emax : Maximum energy value for interpolation
-rom : Number of Matsubara Frequencey (\(\omega\)) points
-broaden : Broadening of the dos
-show : Display the density of states
-elim : The energy range to plot
- bands:
This function performs the DMFT band structure calculations. It has the following options:
-elim : Minimum and maximum energy value for interpolation
-rom : Number of Matsubara Frequencey ($omega$) points
-kpband : Number of k-points for band structure calculation
-kn : A list of labels for k-points
-kp : A list of k-points corresponding to the the k-point labels
-plotplain : Flag to plot a plain band structure
-plotpartial : Flag to plot a projected band structure
-sp : Flag to plot spin-polarized band structure
-wo : List of Wannier orbitals to project onto the band structure
-vlim : Spectral intensity range
-show : Display the bands
-autokp : Obtain k-path from a KPOINTS file
-compare : If an EIGENVAL file is present it will plot the DFT bands on top of the DMFT spectral function (VASP only)
-normalize : Normalize spectral function intensity
-cmap : Colormap for spectral function plot
The projected bands are especially helpful in determining the contribution to bands from different orbitals. The ordering is equivalent to the wannier90 orbital order. The calculations are stored in directories ac, dos and bands, respectively. The following are some example commands to perform post-processing.
$postDMFT.py ac -siglistindx 4
$postDMFT.py dos -show
$postDMFT.py bands -plotplain
$postDMFT.py bands -plotpartial -wo 4 5 6
$postDMFT.py bands -sp -show